
CME Event: Manufacturing Alberta’s Future

On behalf of Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, we would like to invite all Enserva members to their upcoming initiative, Manufacturing Alberta’s Future: A Plan to Drive Investment, Create Jobs and Grow Exports.

“With support from Cenovus and others, this initiative will bring senior manufacturing leaders from CME’s Alberta Board of Directors and supporting partners together with manufacturing executives from across the province in a series of Executive Roundtables to discuss and create a common agenda to support the growth of manufacturing and exporting in Alberta.

In November of this year, CME released Manufacturing Canada’s Future, with recommendations on how to grow our sector nationally. This process will add to that by exploring the unique challenges and opportunities of the Alberta manufacturing sector. There is no doubt that manufacturing is vital to Alberta’s economy and to the prosperity and living standards of all Albertans. The numbers simply speak for themselves: more than 130,000 employed in the sector, wages nearly 9 per cent higher than the provincial average, over $108 billion in annual sales, and 7.1 per cent of provincial GDP.

What these raw numbers do not fully convey is the critical role that manufacturing plays within the supply chain of other key industries. The challenges to our global supply chain created by COVID, port strikes, floods and container shortage issues have emphasized how important it is for our resource sector to have cost effective, reliable, domestic supply chains.

This process will give us an action plan written by Alberta manufacturers for Alberta manufacturers.

Join CME and partners at a roundtable discussion being held in your community:

  • February 5 – Lethbridge
  • February 6 – Medicine Hat
  • February 7 – Grand Prairie
  • February 8 – Fort MacMurray
  • February 9 – Calgary
  • February 12 – Edmonton
  • February 13 – Two Hills
  • February 14 – Bonnyville (tbc)

Seating is limited to 20 participants per session.”

– Andrew Wynn-Williams

If you would like to participate in this process, please email Carolyn Disney at If you have any other questions about this initiative, you are welcome to contact Andrew Wynn-Williams at