
Industry Consultation Open in Saskatchewan 

Saskatchewan has opened industry consultation on multiple sections of The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012 and their associated policies, processes, and forms.
The consultation aims to find ideas for reducing red tape and/or identification of any regulatory barriers for industry, in particular the Ministry asks industry to consider if the regulations:

  • Result in an unnecessarily heavy regulatory footprint;
  • Result in inefficient government process;
  • Are inflexible; Create inequity or unfairness;
  • and/or; Are misaligned with other jurisdictions.

Industry feedback will be accepted up to 25 August 2023. The notification and background for the consultation can be seen in the following location: 
Tackling Red Tape – The Oil and Gas Conservation Regulations, 2012 | Public Engagement | Government of Saskatchewan

For your convenience, the notice & consultation appendix are linked below:
Notice of Red Tape Review:

If you choose to submit any comments directly to government, please send via email to with Attn: Simeon Emmanuel. Members submitting direct feedback are encouraged to copy Mattie McMillan ( so the association can ensure all perspectives are captured in the Enserva response.

Mattie will also be collecting comments to submit on behalf of Enserva, so please forward directly to Enserva will make sure those points are reflected in the Association’s submission. Should you wish to provide comments, please send them by 18 August 2023 to allow time for inclusion into the Enserva submission.